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Green Building News

Rice U. and Houston’s Third Ward: A Happy Alliance Between Academia and Community Development


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New homes meet community's needs赖斯大学建筑教授和学生设计了这些实惠的家园。时间测试的白话细节,如深悬垂和反光金属屋顶是低成本功能,帮助家庭在休斯顿的炎热夏季保持凉爽。
Image Credit: Dan Morrison
老邻居,新房。Rice Building Workshop students have designed and constructed new housing on property owned by Row House Community Development Corporation, which focuses on renovation and rebuilding in Houston’s Third Ward neighborhood. Among the Building Workshop's projects are these duplexes, which reflect an architectural style common to the Third Ward.
Image Credit: Row House Community Development Corporation
FIRST, SAVE WHAT YOU'VE GOT. These row houses are in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Houston. Project Row House worked with Rice University's architecture faculty and students to preserve several blocks of homes in this community.
Image Credit: Dan Morrison
PERMANENT PAVILION. This work space in the heart of the Third Ward allows the Rice architecture students to work on meaningful construction projects in a real world setting. The large metal roof lets them work in nearly any weather, while a large storage container keeps the tools they need close at hand.
Image Credit: Dan Morrison
CULTURE IS AS IMPORTANT AS COMFORT. The row house renovations and new affordable homes are essential to keep this neighborhood thriving, but art is a driving force too. Every year groups of artists from around the world take up residency in a cluster of row house studios. they work with the members of the community on a growing collection of public installations.
Image Credit: Dan Morrison

在5月,GBA发布了一个物品在Ze-Row House,赖斯大学在2009年的太阳能迪卡侬的进入,这是一个挑战在这里和国外的学术机构20队的竞争,开发和建造高效,低成本的太阳能家园。这项两年一度的活动,迪卡侬定于华盛顿州的10月8日至18日,D.C.的全国商场,竞争团队将为公众观看和判断设立他们的房屋。对于许多迪卡侬房屋来说,商场是最后一站,然后是他们永久拆除之前。但这不会是扎排屋的命运。无论竞争中的总体排名如何,Ze-Row House都将返回休斯顿,在城市的第三区重建,是其最古老的社区和历史保存和振兴努力的焦点Row House Community Development Corporation.

“It has been a constant goal of Rice Solar Decathlon to bring an end to the site-less and client-less designs of many previous Solar Decathlon houses,” the teamexplains on its Ze-Row House website. “Our team worked hard to design a house that will be uniquely suited to withstand the rigors of Houston’s Gulf Coast climate – where the house will spend most of its operational life – and will be designed specifically for the client, Row House Community Development Corporation.”

Established in 2003, Row House CDC has been renovating and building Third Ward homes with the aim of providing housing for low-to-moderate-income residents. As Row House CDC’s director, Alain Lee, recently told GBA Managing Editor Dan Morrison, students participating in the School of Architecture’s Rice Building Workshop program have long been collaborating with CDC on Third Ward projects, including renovations of many the neighborhood’s single-story “shotgun” bungalows and the design and construction of new buildings, including artist studios and nine duplexes, all of which reflect the Third Ward’s architectural history. The Rice Decathlon team says that the design concepts developed for Ze-Row House, which is 800 sq. ft. and cost about $150,000 to build, could be replicated for six more energy-efficient one- and two-bedroom homes on two 50-by-80-foot lots in the Third Ward.


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