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Expert Members


  • Allison A. Bailes III, PhD

    Allison A. Bailes III, PhD是能源先锋队的创始人和所有者在德国,格鲁吉亚。与建筑科学和绿色建筑领域的许多人一样,他是多方面的:他在物理学(BS,MS,MST和PHD中的学术证书,在那种领域的科学中为他提供了坚实的基础。据近年来,Bailes博士最着名的是写作能源先锋博客。在它中,他涵盖了从建立科学基础上的一切,以便HVAC对能源安全和峰值油等大图主题的详情。他的博客加入了博士,邀请加入绿色建筑顾问,他现在是一个常规的贡献者。

  • Ross Trethewey,P.E.,M. Eng

    Ross Trethewey,P.E.,M. Eng是TE2 Engineering,LLC的创始人和领导工程师,专注于高性能HVAC设计,可再生能源和集成智能家居设计。他还担任电视节目的“家庭技术专家”,这座老房子并询问这栋老房子。他负责在家庭技术中寻求一些最酷的故事,并将其带到全国受众。关注Twitter @rosstret和@rosstretheweytoh的Instagram上的Ross。

  • Kyle Macht.

    Kyle a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) with a background in architectural engineering. He has spent the last decade in sustainable architecture, focusing on designing and building custom homes, energy consulting for residential and commercial buildings, home performance contracting, and renewable energy systems. Today, Kyle applies his knowledge in building science to low-carbon architecture as Principal of Macht Architecture.

  • 约书亚萨林宾

    约书亚萨林宾的创始人和CEO Birdsmouth设计,residential Design Build company located in Portland OR. Josh has received certifications from Earth Advantage’s Sustainable Homes Professional course, is an early graduate of the Passive House Builders Training program administered by PHIUS and is an accredited EEBA Zero Energy Home Professional. He has been on the board of Passive House Northwest since 2016 and also sits on the technical committee of Zero Energy Ready Oregon. He is an instructor for Earth Advantage’s Sustainable Homes Professional accreditation program. He lives in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood of Portland with his wife and two children.

  • Armando Cobo

    Armando Cobo是一个零能源定制家庭设计师,培训师和建筑顾问,拥有超过35年的经验。ARMANDO设计后DOE的零能量准备好主页计划,建筑物美国计划,建立绿色新墨西哥州,加利福尼亚州的标题24,国家家居建筑商协会的绿色建筑计划,以及LEED为家园等。他设计了500多个定制的房屋,并帮助房主和建造者通过零能量项目实现成功。他在全国各地工作。

  • Malcolm Taylor

    Malcolm Taylor是UBC建筑学院的毕业生,在过去30年中,在温哥华岛上运行了一家设计制造公司。在从UBC建筑学院毕业后,马尔科姆在渥太华练习五年,然后在三十年前搬到温哥华岛,并建立了一个设计制造公司。除了设计和建设投机和定制房屋外,他还完成了广泛的设计和建设工作,在过去的20年里没有Point Resort。Malcolm为每个项目带来了几十年的实践经验,并强烈了解建筑科学。

  • Kohta Ueno,M.A.Sc。

    Kohta Ueno,M.A.Sc。is senior associate at Building Science Corporation. His work includes forensic field investigations of building failures and consulting work for new and retrofit construction in the design of building enclosure and mechanical systems. Mr. Ueno also frequently performs computer modeling (using WUFI, THERM, and HEAT3) as well as field testing and verification, HVAC design, and residential energy analysis and simulations.

  • Ben Bogie

    Ben Bogieis a second-generation high-performance builder working as a project manager for BPC Green Builders of Wilton, CT. Ben is passionate about historical renovation and creating high-performance homes, and is an active member of the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association. He specializes in building science, low-energy designs, and high-end custom finishes.

  • Randy Williams

    Randy Williams在20世纪90年代中期开始他的建筑职业,用他的兄弟安装电气,管道和HVAC系统。在2000年代初,他的家庭分手进入建设和翻新房屋,到2005年,兰迪正作为一般承包商全职工作。他于2009年进来了他的教育成为能源审计员。如今,Randy与其他承包商,房主和公用事业进行了执行能源审核,建立诊断,能源设计和符合代码的测试。在Instagram @northernbuiltpro上关注Randy。




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