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Architect & Builder for Passive Solar home in Charlotte, NC?

Brett Moyer| Posted inProject Managementon

I recently purchased a vacant lot in Charlotte, NC that has good southern exposure. I am researching architects and builders that have experience with passive solar homes. I’m not finding many local people with a portfolio of existing jobs. My wife and I want to look at the professional’s previous work to help us determine competence in passive solar techniques and to help determine whether our aesthetic visions are compatible. Ideally, I think it would be best for logistics and communications to find a local expert. Can anyone recommend some Charlotte-based people? Thanks, and happy holidays.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    It's probably worth contacting Michael Chandler for advice.
    His Web site ishere.
    His e-mail address is michael [at] chandlerdesignbuild [dot] com .

  2. Danny Kelly||#2

    嗨布雷特-刚才看到这篇文章我卧室rk in Charlotte and have several architects I can recommend. Have you had any luck finding anyone to work with?

  3. Brett||#3

    Thanks for your post. I did find a few that had a good understanding of passive solar construction. I ended up going with a group out of Asheville that were the best fit for my needs. .

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