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Great view, big windows — I want both (and little heat loss)

scout159| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

So I am in northern ILL 5A zone. We have a great view and a sunroom we can close off at nite and cold winter days and let get cold–nice airlock with insulated door and thermopane between sun room and main house.
on future addition we want a bigger similar space—but want to close offalmostfloor toalmostceiling windows/sliding doors with solid insulated panels to seal up.

I can see barn door hardware- but what about a seal?
barn doors i see are interior architect design features-not for saving energy.

Any ideas?


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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1

    You may find this discussion useful:

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    The standard solution in Florida or the Caribbean would be to install roll-down hurricane shutters. This type of shutter deploys electrically -- just flip a switch and go to bed. (If you are unfamiliar with roll-down hurricane shutters, use Google to learn more.)

    If your glass doors are sliders, you could conceivably just install solid French doors (hinged doors) on the exterior side of the sliders, assuming the sunroom is large enough to open hinged doors.

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