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Lindsay Windows?

Mike M|发布了能源效率和耐用性

Has anyone had any experience with these windows? They seem very solid and have great efficiency ratings depending on the type. The prices so far are about 1/2 of what I’ve been quoted from Intus, and slightly cheaper than Softlites. They are on par with Anderson 400 series prices.

My wife found they have a local manufacturing facility and I went over to check them out. I was very very impressed with the quality, craftsmanship, and how extremely nice the office staff there were. They let me bring the Pinnacle and Health models home to allow my wife to see them since she was not available due to work. They even offered to stay later if she wanted to come by the plant. I was honestly blown away. They even showed me around the manufacturing area. When my wife initially called to inquire, no one was available to answer the phone, so the owner answered personally and answered all of her questions.

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  1. GBA Editor

    They look like vinyl windows. I'm having trouble finding any information on the company's web site about U-factors, SHGC numbers, or triple glazing.

    [后来编辑:事实证明,公司确实制作了三釉窗,并且有关于U因素和SHGC号码的信息 - 这只是信息很难找到。]

  2. Mike M||#2

    They do indeed offer triple pane windows with U Values in the sub 0.2 range. I received these values with my quotes.

  3. GBA Editor

    Thanks for the info -- my mistake. The information is there -- just hard to find.

  4. Mike M||#4

    我已经让双窗格的引号一直到这一点上的三个窗格。对于两个滑动门,2个滑动窗口(36x72和72 x 60双),4个固定窗格梯形。我还订购了四个大4'x6'图片窗口,但这对于三窗格或氪来太大了。总体而言,对于所有这些窗户的Krypton的三重窗格的成本低于10,000美元。

    我将订购4个72x60双胞胎的4个,以及浴室的较小窗口。总体而言,大多数窗户都是你的.19 SHGC的.2和空气泄漏.15 CFM / FT ^ 2。

    The other line they offered was definitely a bit more expensive, but the air leakage rates and U values didn't justify the cost to me. The main difference that I could see was the hardware and a few extra seals on the sill.

  5. Randy Bunney||#5

    迈克尔,are you ordering any southern exposure windows with high solar gain? The tables above all show low SHGC.

    For better or worse, I went with Alpen windows out of Longmont, Colo. Insulated fiberglass frames. Double pane with suspended film that works like 3rd pane. Jury is still out on longevity of film. U factor is .15 for the best grade casement window to .16 for lesser grade. SHGC .43 on southern casements.


  6. GBA Editor


    If you are talking about windows, you can talk about a window's center-of-glass U-factor. You can also talk about a window's center-of-glass R-value.


    Window manufacturers love to talk about center-of-glass numbers, because these numbers usually look better than whole-window numbers.

  7. Mike M||#7


    The SHGC was initially a concern of mine as the house was/is technically sold to me as passive solar. I plan on not quite taking full advantage of this in the near future. Once I completed my room loss values with our new insulation and addition, it seems my wood stove enough will be 1.5 times what I should need to heat the house. Due to the fact that we use wood to heat the house mostly, I figured there would be much more savings by rejecting the heat in the summer when my bills are 2-3 times what my winter electric bills are (all electric home).

  8. Mike M||#8


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