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Looking for an HVAC contractor for a project in Sudbury, MA

C Talwalkar| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi Folks,

I am advising on a home renovation in Sudbury, MA. It has become obvious that the structure — about 20 years old — was built without thought to airsealing. The resulting home performance problems are likely predictable to GBA readers.

Now, the owners are turning a 3-season sun room into a 4-season room and need help figuring out how to best heat and cool the new space. This project also presents an opportunity to address other related issues.

Can anyone recommend an energy auditor experienced in analyzing such construction, including thermal imaging, duct leakage testing, etc., performing the necessary heating and cooling load calculations to determine the capacity in each of the home’s HVAC zones, recommending remediation measures, and managing or performing the work with the necessary quality assurance measures along the way?

The work will hopefully be done in Fall, 2014, but the GC has not yet been selected, so if you know someone who can offer a turnkey solution for this project that meets GBA’s high standards, that information would also be timely. Please contact me at ctalwalkar (at) yahoo (dot) com if you have any useful advice, contact information, or qualifications.


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