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Polypropylene adhesive Visqueen

pamam| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

I need to glue polypropylene to itself so I can push a 3/4″ PVC pipe into it, I.E. a sleeve. Any suggestions?

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  1. Expert Member

    You usually can’t glue polypropylene (or polyethylene), you have to weld it or heat fuse it.

    I’ve had some luck with polyurethane caulks adhering to polyethylene sheet, but I’ve never put much force on the joint — the caulk is a sealant, I use staples to hold the sheet in place physically. You might find the polyurethane caulk has enough of a hold for your application so it’s worth a try.

    You can buy long, tubular polyethylene that is used in bag making machines commercially (the machine thermally fuses the tube together to form individual bags). You can probably find the material at places like Uline that sell commercial shipping supplies. This might be a better option for you depending on what you’re trying to do.


  2. pamam||#2

    Hey it's been a while but I used your suggestion of staples it works great to protect them from rusting I taped over them with duct tape 2" wide gave the joint extra strength as well.
    Thanks for you help.

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