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The costs of PH consultants, rights to submit building plans

Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a| Posted inPassivHauson

In Upstate NY plans over 1500 sqft need to be submitted by licensed architects or the proper engineer

Costs run $250 at the low end to approve already drawn plans to $5,000 and up in my work do far.

I would like to see costs discussed here and in a blog Martin along with the fact that a PH consultant is basically doing what two others are the only ones licensed to submit plans.

Archs and engineers pay dearly in expense and time for several years of education and then often some years as an underling in the appropriate office.

PH consulting is also from what I gather costing more. $20,000 on average?

I think this could be an interesting exploration of PH.

What say all, this is not meant to be for or against more for sharing knowledge.

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