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SIP Backventing of Roof Cladding

Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) can create a strong, well-insulated, airtight, building envelope. They can, however, be unforgiving when it comes to moisture management. Most SIP dry slowly if or when they get wet, so back-vented claddings, robust flashing details, meticulous sealing of penetrations, and effective spot/whole house ventilation are all essential.

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The diagonal furring strips (or spacer mesh) do not restrict drainage of water that penetrates the roof cladding.

For more information on SIPs, see the Green Building Encyclopedia

For more information on SIP manufacturers

NOTE:The GBA SIP details consist of 90 pdfs. Currently, the details are not available as dwg files. These 90 details are copyrighted by Green Mountain Panel and included in the GBA Construction Detail Library with express permission from Green Mountain Panel. All of the SIP Details were drawn by Steve Baczek and reviewed by Peter Yost for Green Mountain Panel, the same team that developed all of the other GBA details.

To see the SIP details with the step-by-step installation procedures, download theGreen Mountain Panel Installation Manual.

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