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3″ and 4″ PVC valves that release water but keep air from entering

Andy Nels| Posted inMechanicalson

Need two of these. Can’t find them. I have emergency drains that come from my home appliances to daylight. They’re allowing too much air infiltration, because they are open at the daylight ends. They are rarely used but necessary if an inside leak develops.

Only thing I can make perhaps is placing a 45 degree elbow near the open end, with the elbow opening facing sky, so that a homemade flapper will sit flush against the pipe keeping air from entering but let water out if necessary. Kinda like a flapper valve in toilet, but keeps air from entering. If a leak develops the weight of water would push up and over the 45 degree bend and push the flapper open too, to escape.

But is there a valve that does this already? I can’t find it if so.

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  1. Stephen Sheehy||#1

    Would the pipes hold an appliance load of water, such that you can simply put a screw cap on and open it only when/if a leak happens? Might need a vent though.

  2. Andy Nels||#2

    One might hold enough water but I'd rather not do that, in case I don't notice or aren't home, etc. But the other is connected to my 1,000 gal cistern and would not hold that much. It's hard to believe no company makes something for situation like this.

  3. GBA Editor
  4. Andy Nels||#4

    It says it prevents "siphoning" so that sounds like what I need. The drain pipes seem to suck in air from outdoors into the house. Sucks its $45 bucks though, lol. Thanks!

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