
This is a renovation. The column is completely isolated from the dwelling. It must use a stucco finish (acrylic or not) (or something that looks like stucco). The idea of the acrylic or plexiglass panels is that they will never rot, they can structural, using steel studs (to help secure railings). The column is 10″ x 10″ x 7 feet. The stucco part is totally exposed to rain/wind.
Would we get any dew formation or mold in the inside of the air-tight column? What would you recommend the sheathing to be for it to never rot or rust, I suppose?
使用镀锌结构的某种底漆和防锈涂料(焦油,环氧树脂,......),以防止水分/锈,模具和二氧化硫损伤。铆钉将被浸入覆盖物中。优点是 - 效果 - 将不透水膜附接到墙壁组件的最脆弱部分之一。你的意见?

I don't think it's possible to create an airtight box as you propose. Nor do I think that an airtight box is necessarily desirable.
What you want to do is to choose durable materials that are unlikely to rot. Assemble the materials in such a way that that the assembly sheds water, but is able to dry readily. That means that vapor-permeable assemblies (cement backerboard or traditional Portland-cement-based stucco) are probably preferable to materials with acrylic additives that limit vapor permeance.
顺便说一句,我想启动/绘画或使用再保险sin galvanized steel studs (not sure how galv. steel studs likes resin) to delay to the maximum rust. I read that they have special primers and special anti-rust paint. Sulfur dioxide (acid rain) might be an issue, but not sure. If not, this should be good for a very long time. This will make the use of membranes useless or redundant. Time to coat the studs in a dip to dry method should be fast, but I hear that they need to cure if water-based painting is used. I doubt that the primers and paint would be water based. As an option, I have thought of using an epoxy-tar product, but I think a resin is more appealing as we are still discovering ancient insect in old sap which is is like a resin, I think. What do you think? I know this is not green, but if it does not need to go to the landfill, it is one way of doing it! :)