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Protecting Concrete With Sealant

RandyK9| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

I recently added an addition to my driveway. The person who helped recommended concrete penetrater as opposed to sealer. He said it could even help protect the rest of the driveway that’s over 20 yrs old, but is in good shape with zero cracks. Is a penetrater/sealer worth it? Is it something that has to be reapplied annually to be effective? I’ve found some with great reviews like “Eagle Natural Seal” which is a water-based silane/siloxane water repellent that doesn’t leave the surface with that wet, slick look.


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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Engle||#1

    Silane/siloxane penetrating water repellents can significantly increase the life of concrete, even old concrete. They work by keeping water out of the concrete so the freeze/thaw cycling stresses are reduced. Yes, they need to be re-applied in accordance with their manufacturer's instructions. The biggest thing you can do to increase the life of the concrete is to not use any ice melters, ever. You still have trouble from salt dripping off the cars, though. If you're not in a heavy freeze/thaw area, skip all of it - not necessary.

    1. RandyK9||#2

      Thanks Peter! Yes, I am in Buffalo, NY so a significant freeze/thaw region. We have 90°+ summers and can have a sub 20° Jan and/or Feb. I have always used Calcium Chloride for the stairs and driveway. Never Sodium Chloride or rock salt. Seems to be significantly less harsh on concrete, shoes, etc.

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