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Black metal roof — bad idea?

瑞安·伦兹(Ryan Lenz)|发布能源效率和耐用性

My better half loves the look of black standing seam metal roofing.

I am concerned with the heat gain, both into the living space and its effect on any sealants (roof penetrations, edge trim pieces). I’m not sure if spray foam is effected by these kinds of temperatures, but its going to be hot up there in the baking August sun. Obviously it doesn’t get much hotter than black. I suppose in the winter we will welcome the heat.

我们在5B区(俄勒冈州中部 - 非常阳光明媚,在90年代持续了数周)。

The roof will have synthetic underlayment, as well as snow and ice barrier. Then 3/4″ plywood, under which will be 3.5″ of closed cell spray foam, and then the remainder of the 11 7/8″ I-beam will be filled with blown-in-blanket fiberglass insulation. (R-49 total, with very good air sealing). The roof will be unvented.


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  1. Burninate||#1

    Black means extreme heat means maybe the paint wears out and flakes off in fewer decades than it would have. Might pay off to make sure it's a decent metal underneath (Galvalume) to protect against corrosion, or it might be dry enough in your area that this isn't important.

    Normal peel and stick membranes don't seem to like this kind of temperature. Apparently Grace sells a high temperature version of ice & water shield.

    Also check the specs on the synthetic underlayment, which will be at effectively the same temp.

    Consider raising it off the roof decking on vertical battens to get some airflow underneath and give a thermal break. Understand that you're building a bit of a noise resonator if you choose this. I would like to experiment with something to damp the sound; For a 24" seam metal roof, perhaps something like 2x4 battens 12" OC (got to get the midway point between seams to damp) with 3.5" strips of Rockwool Comfortbatt stapled to them? Something very compressible, but heat resistant.

    Note: Metal roofs with surfaces which are perfectly flat at one temperature involve some "oil-canning" at a very different temperature; Make sure she is alright with that, and if you don't like the look, examine striated panels, which are creased beforehand to give some flex to them, to see whether those are visually acceptable. Probably the noise damping is going to introduce its own visual impact, and I don't know how prominent it would be.

  2. Expert Member
    Rick Evans||#2



    炎热的阳光肯定会影响它。一旦太阳升起,屋顶就开始弹出,嘶嘶声像电动炉灶一样。我们在房子里听不到任何声音 - 这只能在房子外听到。我怀疑它会造成任何真正的损害,但我可能有点不愿意将这种黑色金属屋顶在俄勒冈州东部的干旱,阳光明媚的地区。


    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#4

      "I really wanted a light-grey or white standing seam metal roof. My wife wanted a black standing seam metal roof. So, we compromised and went with the black one."


  3. Zdesign||#3

    I installed a Black standing seam on my roof but have a cold roof system over the top of the SIPs panels. The coating from ABC Roofing is reflective by Energy Star Standards or so they say. I installed Rhino U20 directly underneath the Metal this past fall. No problems so far. Still have yet to see how it is in warm temps in ZOne 5 Upstate NY.

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