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Budget method to air seal post frame building?

mikeysp| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi. I am in zone 4a – Near nashville.

I am looking for a budget way to air seal a post frame (pole barn) shop?

In the pics below you can see how a New York home builder did it with:

pro clima SOLITEX MENTO PLUS. It is ~$320 for ~750 sq ft

Tape (Tescon Vana) is ~$38 for ~98ft

I don’t know about shipping.

Is there a cheaper method to air seal my shop?

Thank you.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi Mike,

    Seeing those photos, and assuming that they achieved an air tightness you'd be happy with, the first thing that jumps to mind if you want to do this for less is to do the same thing with less expensive materials. If you used Tyvek, for example, not only would it cost much less, but you could use much wider rolls, so less taping. I also wonder if it would be less expensive to sheathe the building in OSB and tape the seams; sure seems like it would be easier to do it well this way.

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