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Musings of an Energy Nerd

All About Roof Flashing

A small flashing error can lead to major roof rot—so get your flashing details right

To do a good job of flashing installation, you'll need to buy or rent a brake to bend sheet metal.The photo shows Mike Guertin installing flashing at the corner of a dormer. [Photo credit: Fine Homebuilding]

A good roofer should be an expert at installing roofing, of course. But roofing jobs need more than roofing—they also need flashing. Even if roofing is perfectly installed, a flashing error can lead to major leaks and rot.


  • At the perimeter of most roof planes, including at eaves, rakes, valleys, and ridges;
  • At penetrations like vent pipes, chimneys, and skylights;
  • Where roofs meet walls or dormer cheeks;
  • 在滴水可能导致腐烂的地方。

Code requirements

In the 2018 International Residential Code, flashing requirements can be found in Section R903.2. According to the IRC, “Flashings shall be installed at wall and roof intersections, wherever there is a change in roof slope or direction and around roof overhangs. A flashing [kickout flashing] shall be installed to divert the water away from where the eave of a sloped roof intersects a vertical sidewall.”

The terms used to describe roof flashing usually refer either to the location or purpose of the flashing. Flashing types include dripedge, kick-out flashing, step flashing, ridge flashing, chimney flashing, vent pipe flashing, valley flashing, skylight flashing, and flashing associated with roof-mounted PV arrays.

Flashing profiles (and flashing methods) vary depending on the type of roofing being installed. Roofers who install asphalt shingles usually use generic flashing pieces that are widely available, while installers of less common types of roofing (including metal roofing and concrete tile roofing) may need to buy proprietary flashing profiles from the roofing manufacturer or bend their own flashing pieces with a brake.


For information on different flashing materials, see…

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1





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