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Can anyone comment on the performance of the Rehau 4700 Geneo insulated uPVC window and door extrusions?

Andreas Voura| Posted inPassivHauson

Can anyone comment on the performance of the Rehau 4700 Geneo insulated uPVC window and door extrusions that are manufactured by Wasco Windows in Wisconsin? They are apparently PassivHaus Certified. Are also triple glazed.

I am planning on building a Certified PassivHaus as well as Net Zero. Also want to use Quadblock ICF for the construction of the envelope.
设计将满垒手的一部分t and two doors connecting to the garage. House is located in Ontario , Canada.
Any comments?
Thanks, Andy

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You may be interested in reading my review of windows using the Genoa profiles. My review can be found on this page:New Green Building Products — February 2012. (Scroll down to the paragraphs that follow the heading, "Wasco Windows.")

    In my review, I wrote:

    "Some Wasco Windows are made from European vinyl profiles that include glass-fiber reinforcement. Made by a German company, Rehau, the profiles (Geneo profiles using Rau-Fipro material) are made from a composite material consisting of PVC with glass fiber reinforcement, with a capstock layer of ordinary vinyl. These Geneo profiles are stronger than ordinary vinyl profiles, and therefore don't require any steel inserts. Moreover, Geneo profiles have a lower U-factor (between 0.19 and 0.20) than typical vinyl profiles used by most U.S. window manufacturers. Wasco offers the high-performance Geneo profiles on its triple-glazed tilt/turn windows.

    "Unlike most window manufacturers, Wasco Windows understands glazing options. Wasco Windows promotes a 1.38-inch-thick high-solar-gain triple glazing (Wasco calls it the “Sustainability Glass Package”) that is particularly appropriate for northern climates. The center-of-glass specifications for this type of glazing: U-0.133 and a SHGC of 0.566. Because Wasco is familiar with triple glazing (and sells more of it than most vinyl window manufacturers), upgrading from double glazing to triple glazing only costs between $70 and $90 per window.

    "Wasco had shipped windows to customers as far west as Wyoming and as far east as Vermont."

    -- Martin Holladay

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