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Can I know the function and operation of duct heating on two channel method?

HO Y NAM| Posted inMechanicalson

The specific and simplest explanation for the duct heating on two channel method..if can, hope can have the picture..Thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Ho Y Nam,
    I'm not sure what you mean by the "two-channel method." But I am guessing that you are referring to the fact that forced-air heating systems have two separate duct systems: a supply system and a return system.

    Briefly, here is how a forced-air heating system works. A furnace has a burner that heats air in a heat-exhanger. A fan distributes the hot air through a duct system. (That's the supply system. We call these ducts the "supply ducts.") And a return-air duct system pulls air from some of the rooms in the building and brings the air back to the furnace to be heated again.

    I will attach some illustrations below.


  2. HO Y NAM||#2


    I'm very thank you for your answer, that will help me more understand about this heating method

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