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Canadian windows, has anyone installed Inline or Accurate lately?

Kris Currie| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Looking to use Inline fiberglass or Accurate Dorwin on a new build. Has anyone used these on a project lately ? Pros and cons if any thanks kris

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  1. Rick Miller||#1


    I have had AD casements and picture windows in my house for about two years. I did the installation myself, and have been completely happy with them. Two things that MIGHT be a little troublesome for you:
    ---they are a relatively small company and historically very busy in the Spring; filling an order could possibly take longer than you want--ask them
    ---if you are in the US, shipping charges can be high AND AD seems to have little control over the shipping and the shippers once it crosses the border. Therefore, shipping may take a while, also, and
    communication can get lost (like when AD specified a truck with a lift gate to my house, but the memo was never passed on to the US carrier (or they just ignored it), and they showed up at my house with 400- 600-pound, crated windows with no lift gate).

    I can tell you AD makes some heavy-duty, protective crates.

  2. Reid Baldwin||#2

    I have ordered Inline casements for my house. I found that three-pane fiberglass windows from Inline were cheaper than U.S. two-pane due to the exchange rate. I don't have the windows yet, so stay tuned for feedback on how installation goes.

    1. Andrea S||#3

      How are your inline windows after a few years? I’m thinking of purchasing their tilt turns.

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