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Contractors in Orange County, CA

Christopher Moore| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hey all,

I’m having trouble finding competent contractors familiar with building science in my area. Is there anyone here that can do a job in Laguna Beach, CA?



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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hey Christopher.

    I sent out an email to my one southern California contact. I'll let you know if I get a recommendation. In the meantime, giving your post a bump to see if it catches anyone else's eye.

  2. John Clark||#2

    Try looking at the list of contractors on the EnergyStar website?

  3. Christopher Moore||#3

    Thank you all for the suggestions

  4. Chris Barclay||#4

    I'm looking for the same thing. If anyone found an OC contractor I would be interested. Thanks.

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