Does have a directory of professionals who provide deep energy retrofit services?
I am looking for a deep energy retrofit contractor in my area, northern NJ. What I keep finding is professionals who want to concentrate on high tech solutions like geothermal heating & solar panels. What I want is someone who will concentrate on the insulation and air sealing solutions so I can reduce mechanicals. Does have a services directory or a listing of the professionals featured in the articles describing that type of work?
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Q. "Does have a services directory or a listing of the professionals featured in the articles describing that type of work?"
A. No. But now that you have posted your query, perhaps a few GBA readers will offer suggestions or recommendations.
I might be a candidate, but I'm biased. You also might be a little bit out of my area. NJ Home Performance with Energy Star has some really good technical people, so it might be worth getting in touch with them for some other names. Plus I really hate geothermal, so it sounds like we've got that in common. You can call the number through our website:
Something flaky is going on with email contact form, so don't bother trying to use that.
IIRC NYSERDA maintains lists of trained professionals with experience/certication-training on DERs, some of whom would likely be willing to cross the border into the jungles of NJ. You might start calling some of the nearby contractors in the bordering counties on their Energy Star list as a starting point:
Have you tried contacting the state energy office?
Also, the state's Department of Community Affairs has a green building administrator. They might be able to help you.