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Exterior Insulation Detail and Moisture Risk

bobbyarndt| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Currently designing a 2×6 wall assembly for a home in Minnesota – Climate zone 7.

The owner wants to use R-9 zip-r sheathing with fiberglass or rockwool batts for the 2×6 cavity. The reasoning for using R-9 is to get the advantage of exterior insulation but still thin enough to not warrant buying specialty tools or change the building process too much.

Here is his desired assembly:
-LP smartside lap siding
-3/8 plywood battens
-R-9 zip-R
– 2×6 wall with R21 fiberglass or mineral wool
– Smart Membrain vapor retarder
– 1/2″ drywall

Although this assembly may be bullet-proof in other climate zones – I’m worried this could be a risky assembly in climate zone 7.

From my understanding – in climate zone 7 you would need R-15 exterior insulation to eliminate the risk of condensation in the 2×6 wall cavity. Is this still a large concern using zip-r where your sheathing will be nowhere near the condensation point in the wall? what if you were to use a hydrophobic cavity insulation such as rockwool? Would this still be a worrisome assembly if the wall could dry to the inside?

What if we were to step up to the R-12 zip sheathing?

We love the idea and simplicity of zip-r but making it work in climate zone 7 is a challenge.

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  1. JWolfe1||#1

    What is especially confusing is that the IECC only calls for R20 cavity + r5 exterior insulation. That is even less than r9. I’m curious to hear what other think of zip r9 in climate zone 7.

    1. bobbyarndt||#2

      I agree the code is misleading. Martin Holladay addressed this in this great article.


      Im less concerned about building code and more concerned about the performance and durability of the assembly. Mostly - will i get condensation in the wall cavity - and if I do - is it enough to be concerned about?

  2. Expert Member

    The R15 is for a wall with painted drywall as the vapor retarder. By adding the smart membrane, you can use less exterior rigid. You can read more about it bellow:

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