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Exterior wall foundation

James Wyatt| Posted inGeneral Questionson

We just moved into a home that needs some work done. All around the house the foundation is bare concrete with no covering. I wanted to know what materials and what steps to follow to apply a uniform covering to improve the over-all look of the curb appeal. The concrete is rough and there is also black moisture barrier coming about a foot up the foundation. Any advice will help thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    "Curb appeal" is a category that defies simple answers. While some homeowners like the look of manufactured stone veneer, for example, it makes me cringe and recoil in horror.

    You could try gray paint. Or you could broaden your remodeling efforts -- instead of curb appeal, how about thermal performance? You could dig down a few feet, install rigid foam insulation, and cover the insulation with stucco installed over wire lath or chicken wire.

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