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Determining Header Size for Garage Door

mikeysp| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi! I am in zone 4a.

I am framing a non-loadbearing gable end wall with a rough opening for a 12’x12′ commercial insulated garage door. (door is actually 12’2″ wide).

I was hoping to get some advice on header size; as, I am unsure how to interpret LVL tables.

I happen to have 2ea 1-3/4″ x 11-7/8″ LVL beams and was hoping to utilize them.

I included a simple sketch to add clarity.

Thank you.


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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    You don't need any header. What you will need is backing for the door mechanism, both above and on each side. The door supplier should provide a diagram with those requirements.

    1. mikeysp||#2

      Malcolm, Most everything is recycled including the garage doors, so I will have to come up with a solution.

      1. Expert Member
        Malcolm Taylor||#3


        Is it a typical spring loaded overhead door? If so you can probably use any manufacturer's installation instructions. Most likely you will just need three studs each side and solid backing for the spring in the center. The force on the opening is primarily horizontal, so a header doesn't help as much as doubling or tripling the plates above the opening.

        1. mikeysp||#4

          Thanks Malcolm.

          I wont really need a header then, just a triple top plate; since, it is a typical spring and tube style.

          I am going to contact a garage door installer for advice on a start point for spring winding. It was taken out of a school building that was remodeling, so it is in very good shape.

          1. Expert Member
            Malcolm Taylor||#5


            Nice find! I've never tensioned a garage door spring. There are lots of Youtube videos on how to do it, but the large caution notice that comes with them warning of the consequences if things go wrong discouraged me.

          2. PBP1||#6

            Once you've heard one snap (like in the middle of the night), you won't forget it. YouTube "Torsion Spring Break Slow Motion | Garage Door Spring Wound To Failure".

  2. mikeysp||#7

    Thank you! I have installed a few and am very aware of winding criticality. I got a great deal. 3ea 12x12 insulated doors for $350 total. I am using one, and will use the other two to trade toward some other materials.

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