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Hurricane Sandy reports

Martin Holladay| Posted inGeneral Questionson

East coast readers: what’s happening where you live? Has the storm arrived?

Here in northern Vermont, as of 10:30 a.m. Monday, we haven’t had any rain yet.

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  1. Keith Gustafson||#1

    Bit windy in Glosta, little rain

  2. Brian Beaulieu||#2

    Windy but only light rain here in Portland, gusts up to 40mph.

  3. John Brooks||#3

    I don't live near the coast... but some may find this "Wind Map" interesting
    It shows wind direction and speed in almost "real time" (short time delay)

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#4

    Very cool map -- thanks for the link.

    The low-pressure hurricane is like a huge black hole, sucking air towards its center.

  5. Hobbit _||#5

    Lots of wind, not too much rain in the north-Boston-burbs. Newly-built
    drainage pits for downspouts apparently working well in the few heavy
    rain bands that came through, so they're getting their big first test today.


  6. James Morgan||#6

    Central NC - happy to say we dodged the bullet for once. Last night blowy, chilly rain. This a.m. cold and breezy, overcast, no limbs down or power lost that I can tell. Not like any hurricane I've experienced here before, even a peripheral hit like yesterday's generally leaves us balmy, moist, swamped in debris.

  7. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#7

    Northern Vermont seems relatively OK as well. No rain this morning, and the winds have died down. I put my chainsaw in my truck and drove the two miles of our dirt road down to the nearest paved road, but we didn't have a single tree blocking the road.

  8. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#8

    Strong northern winds and rainless

    Tuesday AM, flat waters, and calm winds the sun slightly breaking out, warm still. No power or tree issues found.

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