Reading the Fine Building Mag artical ‘Designed for Success’ (link below) I noticed the 16″ double stud wall assembly had a layer of spray foam on the exterior sheeting (couple of inches) with the remaining wall filled with dense pack cellilos and closed with a 6mm poly vapor barrier . With the closed cell spray foam and the poly rap I am assuming moister in the wall is not a concern – why? Is this wall type safe in all climate zones including extream cold – we get 8000 hdd with many days sub -40. Why isn’t the due point a consern? Science based feedback would be helpful.
图中所示的内膜可能是气相渗透 - 无论是将纤维素固定到位的,也可能是“智能”(可变渗透率)蒸气延迟器。
喷涂聚氨酯泡沫也有多种densities & vapor retardencies. At 2lbs density most polyurethane runs about 1.2 perms @ 1", and would still be as vapor open as a kraft facer on a batt a 3" (R18-R20), and thus not a true vapor barrier. Toward the end of the text on the third page the author mentions a "flash coat of spray foam", which we can reasonably presume would be closed cell, between 1 & 2 perms.
在文本结束时(第3页的底部)他们注意到作者“Steve Baczek是读取质量的建筑师。马萨诸塞州在美国气候区5,因此如果在泡沫/纤维下进行露水点控制边界,他显然没有做。但是3-5级烫发室内涂料的组合蒸汽滞后性+ 1-2型渗透泡沫在气候区中的OSB或胶合板护套的足够的保护5s。(如果壁板回到通风以增强外部干燥,而且它足够好对于我们6区,即使虽然不太符合IRC代码的字母。)
虽然该堆叠不会在加拿大中西部,北安大略省或大多数魁北克 - 柔性层中削减它,但柔性层必须小于1倍(Poly会很好 - 所以智能蒸汽延迟器也会很好)仍然可以使用纤维素填充的护套的内侧上的闭孔的闪光泡沫。气密石膏和“蒸汽屏障胶乳”(约0.5倍乳胶)也可以用闪发泡护套工作。