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New Ventilation Options for 2018 and 2019

J M| Posted inMechanicalson

Has anyone heard additional details or have feedback about various new ventilation systems just coming on to the market like the Build Equinox CERV2 or the Zehnder ComfoAir Q series? The new Zehnder products are available in the EU but won’t launch in the US until Q1 2019.

I currently have a Zehnder 550 specced for my project but am leaning toward the Q series. Haven’t heard enough about the Build Equinox product to make a judgement about the CERV2.

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1

    No, but I am interested. Minotair has some new developments on their ventilation unit as well, which offers heating, cooling and control over dehumidification levels.

  2. Charlie Sullivan||#2

    From a quick look, the Q series is bascially the same function as the 550, but with improved performance and controls, whereas the CERV2 and Minotair are quite different concepts, with integrated heat pumps: the "magic box" approach. From what I've seen, I think the energy performance of a magic box is usually worse than that of a system with a separate heat pump. So I would not advise that route unless you have s specific unusual scenario for which it makes sense. But the new Zehnder models look like real, if incremental, improvements over the existing models. So I'd be a little tempted to wait for them--or perhaps for clearance sale pricing on the old Zehnder models. (I'm not sure Zehnder would ever do that.)

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