On average in New Mexico what is the cost per square foot to build a completely green home with the best insulation?
On average in New Mexico what is the cost per square foot to build a completely green home with the best insulation? It should be a passive solar home.
I need this information for insurance purposes in case I am in need of total reconstruction due to complete loss of our current home.
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By the way, there is no generally accepted definition for "a completely green home."
或者,就此而言,什么是平方英尺。而且我会将其缩小到$ 75- $ 290,但我是一个大胆的家伙。
Cost range can also be contingent upon where in NM this is- remote locations can be dramatically more expensive to build than near major towns due to the transportation issues (both materials & labor). And getting the energy use numbers under control in a high-altitude cold local climate home is far more expensive than lower altitude moderate climate locations. The climate zones in NM are quite diverse, varying from very temperate US climate zone 3 weather in the southeast to US climate zone 7 type conditions above 10,000' in the Sangre de Cristo.
Where is your current (apparently wrecked) home located?
How big was it, and about what was it's assessed value? Costs go will go way up on a per-foot basis for small-footprint jewel-box of a house compared to a no-frills large tract-home barn, but building very large homes with very low energy requirements can be quite expensive too.
Your insight is appreciated. Because you are a builder who is active in the field, you were able to narrow the range to $75 to $290. Thanks for sharpening your pencil and helping out.
最近在圣达菲建造了2个Passivhaus项目。一个是大的(有家庭办公室,没有车库) @ $ 135/平方英尺,一个很小(W/2车库) @ $ 155/sf
利亚,there is some ambiguity in your last sentence, Dana read it as meaning your home has already been destroyed, I interpreted it to mean what value should you write into your insurance policy as a rebuild cost in case of possible future catastrophe. If the latter you should get an estimate of current as-is rebuild cost from a suitably qualified and experienced local contractor, perhaps the one who built it in the first place. And you should update that number regularly to account for inflation.
这所房子位于圣达菲以北的特瑟克。詹姆斯,你是对的;我说的是出于房主的保险目的的价值。原始建筑商不再在该地区。这座房子是被动太阳能,带有丙烷炉后备用,加热/空气装置,用于2003年增加。房屋为2000平方英尺。它具有混凝土地板,除了加上420平方英尺的加法。Rappgo larch w/ pearlflex垫子。大多数墙壁是充满混凝土的混凝土砌块,一个内壁是Adobe,房屋主要部分的侧壁是2 x 6的建筑。这所房子有两个门户(覆盖),其中一个(20'x 12')被筛选了。墙壁上有贴墙。我在化学上很敏感,因此需要“清洁”材料,我们自然希望房屋能节能。有一个砖块的入口/日光浴室,横跨房屋的前面(南边),即33'x 8'7”。因此,如您所见,它是一个定制的房屋,而不是典型的房屋。 also have an air purification system built into the air/heat unit. Hope that is more helpful and clarifying. Any help is greatly appreciated.