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Question from the field… performance after cutting spray foam

Steve Hull| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hey all,

I’m a contractor interested in building performance. It’s common practice that after installing windows and doors, you spray foam to seal the rough opening. This then gets cut back to accept drywall/trim/siding.

I’ve always wondered if cutting the spray foam affects the spray foam’s performance? Before cutting, the foam develops a nice hard skin and it seems to me that doing away with this might be a bad thing. Is there any data on this?



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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I've heard builders express the opinion that you just shared, but I haven't seen any research or data to back up the theory.

    Here's what I do know, however: even if you have a very careful trigger finger, and manage to install just the right amount of canned spray foam around a window so that it doesn't expand beyond the plane of your framing, so that no trimming is required, the spray foam still isn't airtight. You'll still get a little air leakage -- either through pores in the foam, or due to imperfect adhesion with the framing lumber and window frame.

    That's why builders obsessed with airtightness use a belt-and-suspenders approach (canned spray foam plus European tape on the interior).

  2. Leo Kloop||#2


    Don't ignore chinking to air seal the window frame. The new formulations really are amazing materials:

    I like this product, a lot.

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