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Danny Kelly|发布了General Questions

I have a client that is trying to sell a condo and the home inspection revealed an elevated radon level. The lender is requiring the radon to be remediated. Simple fix on a single family home on a crawl. I was thinking an ERV may do the trick. Any ideas, anyone heard of similar issues in multifamily construction?

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  1. Riversong||#1

    我从未听说过稀释作为氡污染的解决方案。它始终需要在地面或板块下方的负压脱离。在高氡区域中,子板或爬行空间周边管道上的被动堆叠将室内氡放在95%的情况下,在4个PCI / L阈值下方。



  2. Danny Kelly||#2

    谢谢罗伯特 - 感觉简单的解决方案可能不起作用。我惊讶于,在这个规模项目的设计阶段,没有考虑这一点。很多本地理论都说它可能是建筑物中的混凝土,这就是为什么我认为单个单元解决方案可能是可能的。听起来这可能会成为一个重大修复。


  3. GBA Editor

    In a single-family residence, Peter Yost successfully used a dilution strategy to lower indoor radon levels. Although this approach isn't as good as sub-slab depressurization, it's worth considering. Read more here:
    // -stepoftime.

  4. Danny Kelly||#4

    Thanks Martin. Interesting that the radon level remained the same in the crawl but went down in the house. I guess the dilution did not do much good in the crawl but the fact that there was a negative pressure in the crawl from the exhaust fan prevented the crawl air (and radon) from entering the home. After reading this - do not think my ERV idea will work unless it is on a very high CFM and then like robert said, will be wasting a lot of energy. Back to the drawing board - Thanks.

  5. Tony Kiburis, NH Radon Mitigator||#5

    HRV's or ERV's will work as a radon solution for low levels of radon (say up to 7-8 pCi/L) only. Higher levels of radon require too much air exchange to dilute the radon to levels below the EPA Action Level of 4.0 pCi/L. The higher the air exchange level the higher the heating or cooling penalty will be.

    我建议联系认证的氡助长者讨论其他解决方案,如“亚板坯减压系统” - 这是解决大多数氡问题的最具成本效益的方法。公寓的每个单元可能都不需要系统。仔细测试和良好的系统设计“可能”解决了单个风扇和多个吸力点的建筑物的问题。不要通过电话接受报价,并需要从缓解员的网站访问,因为这比单个家庭住宅更复杂。

    Check with your Sate Dept. of Health to speak to the Radon person to find out local radon issues & find a certified mitigator.


  6. Riversong||#6


  7. Tony Kiburis, NH Radon Mitigator||#7


    HRV's or ERV's will work as a radon solution for low levels of radon (say up to 7-8 pCi/L) only. Higher levels of radon require too much air exchange to dilute the radon to levels below the EPA Action Level of 4.0 pCi/L. The higher the air exchange level the higher the heating or cooling penalty will be. However in a high rise they may need to be a part of the solution.



    Check with your Sate Dept. of Health to speak to the Radon person to find out local radon issues & find a certified mitigator.
    宾夕法尼亚州的宾夕法尼亚州有一个伟大的减灾者,被称为Bill Broadhead,我知道拥有高层氡问题的经验(他教导了我在主题上参加的课程)。致电宾夕法尼亚州的健康部门,氡群,他们可以让你与他联系。


  8. Tony Kiburis, NH Radon Mitigator||#8



    They are not the most commonly used technique. Their use is described & was first governed by the EPA Document, "Radon Mitigation Standards", (EPA 402-R-078, Revised April 1994). para. # 14.8 HVAC Installation Requirements.
    Currently the ASTM International Standard E-2121, "Standard Practice for installing Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings", para. # 7.3.15 Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) is the governing document for the mitigation industry. Under Note 4 of E-2121 it states: "HRV as a method for radon control is recommended only when an active soil depressurization system cannot be used, and the initial air exchange rate is low enough to indicate a high probability of success".


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