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Rainscreen wall with insect screen

Cramer Silkworth| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I’ve got a small project where a mid-90’s wood-frame wall in the mid-Hudson Valley of NY needs a rainscreen retrofit (paint’s peeling off in large pieces, fairly certain there’s a bit of moisture getting behind the cedar clapboard and then being cooked in the sun).

In looking around at the various methods of preventing insects from getting in the vent channels (e.g., Coravent), I’m wondering about a different method. Why not use a rolled-over strip of standard aluminum or fiberglass insect screen? Installed like so: with the sheathing & housewrap exposed, tack a “skirt” of ~1′ of screen at the drip edge, hanging down beyond drip edge. Install vertical furring, then gently roll screen up and tack again, without creasing, such that the bend will fill the vent opening when compressed by the drip edge piece (or first course of siding).

Similar process for the top openings.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Your technique is used all the time. It is the method indicated in many GBA details -- for instance, this one://

    There is a photo of your suggested technique on this Web page:

    I'm attaching the photo below.

  2. Cramer Silkworth||#2

    Well shoot, I thought I had an original idea. :)

    But anyway, good to know it's been done. Thanks!

  3. William Goodwin||#3

    I would not use fiberglass screen, my experience is that it does not hold up very well.

  4. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#4

    Until recently that was the method of choice here in BC, but now most lumberyards stock a perforated L flashing that is a bit more robust. The problem with the screen is that frequently weeds or grass manage to grow up through it and the screen gets damaged when they are pulled out.

  5. Cramer Silkworth||#5

    Good tips about the fiberglass and weed growth. The bottom is 2-3' off the ground, though there is a garden in front. Will keep an eye on it.

    Thanks all,

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