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Reasons not to use Fibertec Windows for your Home

Darin Anderson| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Per a phone call 4/15/15 from Fibertec, they have expressed concerns that my original posting unfairly places them in a negative light. To avoid the potential option of Fibertec taking legal action for perceived damages, I am temporarily removing this post so that I can discuss Fibertec’s concerns with them and substantiate my claims in greater detail for their awareness. Once completed (shortly) I will repost my thread with any potential corrections.

In providing this feedback in this thread my sole intent is to educate others about my personal experiences in dealing with Fibertec in an objective and accurate manner. My original posting had that intent. I will update as necessary should any inconsistencies be found but without losing the objectivity of what I consider to be an overall negative personal experience. Just as individuals are free to post positive experiences, so also should individuals be able to post negative experiences provided they are objective and correct.

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  1. Darin Anderson||#1

    EDITORIAL STAFF: Please completely replace my original posting with the below content, I would appreciate it

    Per a phone call 4/15/15 from Fibertec, they have expressed concerns that my original posting unfairly places them in a negative light. To avoid the potential option of Fibertec taking legal action for perceived damages, I am temporarily removing this post so that I can discuss Fibertec's concerns with them and substantiate my claims in greater detail for their awareness. Once completed (shortly) I will repost my thread with any potential corrections.

    In providing this feedback in this thread my sole intent is to educate others about my personal experiences in dealing with Fibertec in an objective and accurate manner. My original posting had that intent. I will update as necessary should any inconsistencies be found but without losing the objectivity of what I consider to be an overall negative personal experience. Just as individuals are free to post positive experiences, so also should individuals be able to post negative experiences
    provided they are objective and correct.

  2. R Miller||#2

    It is ASHAME one cannot share information without the threat of legal action. I stand with you.

  3. Nate G||#3

    As do I. I have contacted a lawyer friend who is going to put me in contact with someone who can defend you against this ridiculous cyber-bullying. It's amazing that there are still companies who think they can get away with this kind of behavior in the internet age. It backfires a thousandfold instead.

  4. Stephen Sheehy||#4

    It is extremely difficult for a business to successfully sue an individual who criticises the business. That being said, it is easy to intimidate an individual with the threat of legal action.
    As for Nathniel's point, it'll be a cold day in hell before I'll think about getting windows from that company.

  5. Nathan Spriegel||#5

    斯蒂芬•你没有成功起诉make it so painful and expensive that the average person concedes. A large company can afford to spend money on expensive lawyers. The average homeowner not only does not have the funds but also loses income every day they sit in court.

  6. Patrick Kelecy||#6

    I would love to see the original post. I am considering Fibertec 300 casements for a window replacement project I'm doing but am now wondering if I should drop them from the list. What are the alleged problems? Other reviews I've seen have been generally positive.

  7. Darin Anderson||#7

    I can attempt to answer questions in a direct discussion, but given the still existing circumstances stated above cannot post in this venue unfortunately. If you can find a way to contact me directly via aPersonal Message or similar and let me know your contact information we can try to get in touch that way, but I couldn't find a way to do that on this site.

  8. Jeff Watson||#8

    @Patrick: is your friend.

  9. Simchad||#9

    I know how you feel. Without going into much details, do not buy your windows or doors from fibertec. If you would like to know why e mail me at[email protected]and I will tell you some shocking stories about that company.

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