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Recommendations for roofing sealant

Zephyr7| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Can anyone recommend a really good elastomeric roof coating? Something that comes in a gallon can or a fiver? I have some leaky skylight flashing that needs to be sealed flat-roof style (it’s a shallow pitch roof with roll roofing). I need to basically flow a coating over all the flashing to seal it to the roll roofing since there is no way to interleave the step flashing without regular shingles.

All the excitement you find after the first snowfall thaws on top of the roof over your new drywall…


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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Engle||#1

    You shouldn't have any step flashings for a skylight with roll roofing. Skylights in flat roofs are entirely different installs than in pitched shingle roofs.

    Skylights in flat roofs should be installed on a curb that stands up from the roof deck. The curb is fully flashed into the roof, and the skylight sits on the curb with special skirt flashing. If your skylight was not installed this way, there's nothing you're going to be able to do with liquid flashing to stop the leaks.

    1. Expert Member

      天窗的安装包闪烁s and additional was recommended by Velux for the project. I should clarify that the usual step flashing can’t be used due to the roll roofing. My problem is sealing between the flashing and roll roof since some has not adhered very well.


  2. Kurtis Hord||#3

    ewww. do a properly seamed roof with proper joinery and noble materials. how is planned obsolescence with nasty petroleum based products green?

  3. Kurtis Hord||#4

    glue, and goop is not green. our ancestors already knew how to build. follow in their folds.

  4. Kurtis Hord||#5

    real roofing, green roofing, is permanent roofing with time-honored joinery.

  5. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#6

    I have never had success with Henry's latex roof coatings.
    This can't handle any ponding.

    However, Henry has recently released Tropi-cool, a 100% silicone coating that I'm very optimistic about. It costs over three times as much, but I really think it can handle ponding, but only time will tell...

  6. Kurtis Hord||#7

    there's not a thing green about burning oil to get to home depot to support more oil burning infrastructure to support an oil-burning product that will deteriorate. green roofing is slate, or proper joinery in copper, or painted steel if you must, providing an extreme life cycle, and honoring the oil burned to get the materials there to the highest order by first learning the origami to create the joints. what is this product-green madness?

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