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kdodson6| Posted inGeneral Questionson


South Carolina (3A) modular home — 1450sqft unfinished 2nd floor with a staircase. I am wondering a few things. Pic 1: does this rigid foam “top” help? I can feel a thermal difference so I strapped that up.
Pics 2/3: this is current insulation effort. My goal is to completely finish the attic but currently don’t have the funds. I’ve been working hard @ air sealing (foamed all stud bay perimeters, Fire caulked the electrical penetrations). Looking for advice for next steps.

Thank you very much! Sorry about the pics, they’ve rotated on me.

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  1. Expert Member

    A rigid foam “hatch” over the attic access is generally a good idea from both an air sealing and an insulating perspective. There are lots of nice ways to do it, in your case maybe use some plywood to make a sort of “door” and glue the foam to the top. This would let you use draw catches to pull the plywood door tight to a frame where you could put some weatherstripping to make a good air seal.


    1. kdodson6||#2

      Thanks Bill, that’s kinda what I have been working toward in pic 1. Eventually I’ll finish the entire 2nd floor so I won’t need it anymore. Thanks for the input.

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