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詹姆森·哈格纳(Jameson Hagenauer)|Posted in一般的问题on

为其区域负载量化多层空气处理程序的实际效果是什么?我们正在寻找用于hvac替换的三菱多切片系统 - 户外单元MVZ-4C36NAHZ-U1,带有1区的SVZ空气处理程序,另一个区域中的一个(12k)或两个(12k)或两个(9K)单位,根据其他区域(S)关于我们是否总共有两个或三个区域。如果我们配备了两吨的空气处理程序(SVZKP24NA),则其加热能力为27000 BTU,但该区域的加热负荷为28817 BTU,留下1817年的BTU赤字。向上移至SVZKP30NA,我们使我们更加超大。The house (in Zone 4) is 110 years old with some opportunities for improved air sealing and insulation, so I find myself wondering whether it would be better to deliberately undersize and look for ways to reduce heating load down the line, but I don’t want my family shivering through winter before I can make those improvements.

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  1. GBA编辑
    Kiley Jacques||#1

    Hi Jameson,


  2. 詹姆森·哈格纳(Jameson Hagenauer)||#2

    Thanks, Kiley. That was a helpful read: I found this heartening:


  3. 专家成员

    两个9 k头是什么?如果这些是bedrooms, unless they are huge, the typical load is closer to 3k. You can sometimes get a 6k wall mount to work, but 9k is way over sized (speaking from experience as I have one in my bedroom).

  4. 詹姆森·哈格纳(Jameson Hagenauer)||#4

    阿科斯(Akos),我对单位的大小分享了您的关注,至少是研究中的第二个。这是工匠平房(一个“ 1/2层”)的楼上,天花板较低,墙壁空间有限,因此地板单元的工作效果更好。不幸的是,三菱没有建立6k楼的架子。我们正在考虑第二个单元,即使单个12K足以容纳负载,因为循环是关闭学习门的问题(我们俩在家中的电话会议上的必要性)。实际上,我现在正在与我们的承包商谈论,关于在北膝盖墙后面的屋檐下脚踏车的单元,这将解决尺寸和循环问题。

  5. 专家成员


    The idea solution would be to get a ducted mini split that can be mounted vertically and mount it on the wall between the bedroom and the office. The ducts can be simple runs as they just poke through the wall on either side. You might need one longer run in the bedroom becasue of the width. The whole thing can than be walled in to look like a jog in the wall.

    This is probably more intrusive than you care, the less intrusive would be to go with a 2 zone multi for the second floor with a 9k floor console for the bedroom and 6k wallmount for the office. You should be able to put the wallmount on the wall beside the door to the office (see attached for similar install in a low 1/2 story, cutoff in the picture, beside the wallmount is the door). You can connect these to a MXZ-2C20NA2, no need for hyper heat as these will be used mostly for cooling.



  6. 詹姆森·哈格纳(Jameson Hagenauer)||#6

    Akos, I appreciate your input. That ~29K load includes the first floor (~940 sq. ft, no wall insulation, mix of single- and double-paned windows) + an additional basement tv room (~180 sq ft). Sadly the placement of the door in the study wall in combination with the slope of the roof means a wall unit on that wall can only be place about 40" off the floor, blowing directly in someone's face. So I'm still vacillating on equipment selection for the upstairs, but I'm at least comfortable with the smaller air handler for the downstairs based on feedback here and Allison's article Kiley linked above.




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