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What wrap or spray insulation would be recommended for use on aluminum beams that will penetrate a building?

L. Walker| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Exploring building a cantilevered balcony using aluminum beams in order to fit the beams between existing floors. Looking for a material to prevent heat loss and condensation without corroding the beams.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    L. Walker,
    Just say no to cantilevered balconies!

    Good luck on solving the thermal conundrum... it's not easy...

  2. John Brooks||#2

    It may not be easy or worth the trouble...but there are "ways"
    One example.....if you look at the last photos in this gallery

  3. James Morgan||#3

    Martin as usual is spot-on. Cantilever penetrations of the building wall should be considered a no-no for several very good reasons - in any case aluminum would be a poor choice because of its high thermal conductivity and non-optimal structural performance.

    The trekhaus balconies are a good alternative to a cantilever, but if you have no building projections to take advantage of you could have your balcony designed as a self-supporting unit using the balustrades on each side as suspension brackets. Either way you'd still have minor structural fixings through the WRB but these would be no more than for a typical deck, and easily managed.

  4. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#4

    In the middle of repairing a cantilever deck. never flashed well, and is not easy to flash period. After 20 years the garage door headers rotted completely away under this deck.

    I used angled back posts on the last deck that the owners didn't want straight down posts.

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