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Where to get adhesive tapes, not to mention everything else?

Scorched Earth, 3B| Posted inGeneral Questions

I’ve been calling around to try to get some adhesive tapes to try out. I’m in Minneapolis, and I’m getting ready to do a couple of projects where I’ll need it.

Here’s my reference:

My experience has been pretty similar to when I check around locally about almost anything I read about on this site: nobody has it and nobody’s heard of it.

This has not been my experience yet:

Maine architect Jesse Thompson has high praise for Dow Weathermate tape; according to Thompson, it [ . . . ] is readily available.”

I can get 4″ Grace Vycor here and 3″ Tyvek tape, but nobody at the lumberyards (or home stores) seems to have heard of Dow Weathermate, 3M is *based* here but nobody has any of their tapes, nor Venture tape, etc.

Is there somewhere else I should be looking? Does everybody just buy it off the internet? Will I be good with what I can get here already?

If it helps with your answers:
1) I’m putting a window into a 12″ concrete block wall–figured I’d want to tape the gap across concrete and lumber, and for window (all probably Grace Vycor?);
2) I’m getting ready to wrap a shed in rigid foam and would like tape that can stick to plywood, foam, and flashing (Grace Vycor at windows and just use Tyvek tape for foam, I guess?)


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    当你不能在本地,在秩序Web. Google works.

  2. Scorched Earth, 3B||#2

    Fair enough.

    If anyone in Minneapolis knows of a local source, please let me know. Otherwise, web it is.

  3. Chris Koehn||#3

    MPLS disaster: The first choice in MN is Conservation Technologies . As Garrison Keillor says if they don't have it you can probably get along without it..

  4. Scorched Earth, 3B||#5

    Thanks, Chris. Unfortunately, they don't have Weathermate, balanced ventilation systems, or a location within two hours of Minneapolis, so I'll probably have to keep looking.

    After a call to Dow and two subsequent calls to distribution offices, I was told that the local lumberyards that had never heard of it can get it.... and follow-up to one of those lumberyards (Shaw/Stewart) leads me to believe they're only willing to sell it to me by the box, so, internet it is!

    ...Now I'm wondering, regarding the quote from Martin's blog: in which markets is Weathermate "readily available?"

    Also: what's the caulk being used in this video--Tremco?

  5. David Meiland||#6

    See if these folks have anything you can use:

  6. Albert Rooks||#7


    Siga Wigluv will work for both apications. You can stick to all of the substrates on your list including concrete if you use the dockskin primer.

    Sorry we are not in MN. There really hasn't been a big enough market to support the local yards getting enough calls on this level of building envelope quality.

    Consider yourself a pioneer blazing a trail for the others that follow you.

    Please feel free to call if you need help with application info.


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