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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Conspiracy Theories with the Green Police

A game show meant to dispel building science myths . . . and stir the pot

In this episode of the BS* + Beer showCarl SevilleandMichael Anschel, a.k.a The Green Police, deliver game show–style entertainment that is best described as “Jeopardy!meetsWait Wait . . . Don’t Tell Me!” For this Second AnnualHalloween–themed show, they take building industry conspiracy theories to a place none of us could have predicted. It’s a royally ridiculous must-see episode. Prepare to be stumped, and when in doubt, “Passive House” is a good guess.

Enjoy the show!

Join us onNovember 4from 6 to 7:30 p.m. ETwhenChristine Williamsonwill impart pearls of wisdom as only the founder of @BuildingScienceFightClub can.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


As founder ofBuilding Science Fight Club,Christine Williamsonprovides technical design consulting services to architects, developers, and contractors, assisting with design development and reviewing details and specifications to improve durability, comfort, and energy efficiency. She also teaches architects, architects in training, and other building industry professionals about building science and construction. For her full bio (and unofficial bio),click here.


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor. She can be reachedat[email protected].

One Comment

  1. Michael Anschel||#1

    Royal Ridiculousness!! Love it!

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