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Steve Baczek

Steven Baczek is a registered architect with over 20 years of construction industry experience. Steve is the architect responsible for all of the details in the library. His initial training in the contracting trades coupled with his architectural experience has made him not only an architect with full respect for the integration of design and construction, but an expert in building technology as well.

Many of Steve’s architectural projects have been Building America demonstration projects, featuring a systems approach to building durable, healthy, comfortable, energy efficient, and environmentally responsible structures. Steve utilizes his full-spectrum building expertise in everything from design review and analysis to post occupancy building failure investigations.

Steve’s primary focus of “New Construction” work as an architect is high performance residential projects. His work has included a number of LEED Platinum and Zero Energy Homes, and also includes one of the first Passive Houses built in New England. In addition to new construction, Steve has also done extensive work in the areas of architectural renovation and building systems re-engineering. These projects have included “Deep Energy Retrofits” and Zero Energy renovations.

Steve’s email:[email protected]

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