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丽贝卡Robinson|发布了General Questions

Bought my house about a year ago and the room I’ve made into my home office had this terrible desk/bookshelf built-in. I’ve spent the last year slowly taking it apart. It looks like it used to be the closet in the master bedroom that is on the other side of the wall, but they flipped it around to be the built-in for this room. Our ultimate plans are to flip it back and make a nice bedroom closet in that space.
This is where I’m struggling and cannot seem to find answers on existing Q&A or general online research:My original plan was to simply complete the wall with new framing, but after opening things up a bit, I’m wondering if I should take that whole wall down to the studs, add the new lumber, and install new drywall on the whole thing.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions folks have! I’ve attached a few pictures here and am providing a link to a Google photo album I created specifically for this project (I have captions with some details on the images there) –



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  1. Expert Member

    Your link didn’t work for me, and I’m not entirely sure I’m looking at those pics in the correct order, but it looks to me like the side with the darker studs is a regular stud wall: studs placed perpendicular to the drywall with drywall on both sides. The side with the lighter studs appears to be two studs on the flat (parallel with the drywall), with a layer of drywall sandwiched in the middle. That’s an oddball. The drywall might be in there to shim things out to get close to the depth of a regular studwall, since two studs together (sistered) is 3” deep instead of the 3.5” dimension of a regular stud (2x4s are actually 1.5” x 3.5”).

    I personally would probably rebuild that oddball wall, but it’s probably not necessary. You to take the usual precautions if you take it out too in case there is a reason it was built that way.

    An easy way to even out the thickness might just be to add a layer of drywall. You can get 3/8” and 1/4” thick drywall that can be laid over an existing wall to “fix” the surface, or to increase the thickness a little.


    1. Jason S.||#2


      It looks like they cobbled that wall together with scraps, but I wouldn't sweat it. There's no way that thing is bearing any load.

  2. Jameson Hagenauer||#3

    That link threw an error for me, but if I understand your question, I'd be inclined to remove that wall rather than try to fill in the doorway. The result is likely to look better. Too, you might consider whether you want one large closet for the master, or a smaller closet for each of the rooms.

  3. 丽贝卡Robinson||#4

    嗨所有 - 很抱歉链接不起作用!我不确定为什么: - /非常感谢您的输入和洞察力。我将把干墙撕掉到角落里并重做它。

    Also, we did think about the closet in each room idea actually, but I decided I really don't need a closet in my home office and we'd really like a nice big one in our bedroom! :)

  4. 沃尔特Ahlgrim||#5

    General I would strip the wall down to the studs and then make a plan. It has been my experience with old houses every plan I had made had to change once the wall was opened.


    I have never found anything good behind paneling like image #1.


  5. Expert Member




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