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Advice on seailing/insulating rim joist

DStyduhar| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi all,

I am in North Carolina and our current home (built in 87′) has a 1200sqft full height unfinished basement. The basement is used as a storage and rec area and will never be fully finished. Maybe a drop ceiling or something in the future. No mold issues.

I have been reading about how to air seal and insulate rim joists but unlike most installations I want to be able to check the rim for termite damage. Big deal around here. Not interested in spray foam. I spent the weekend going through and caulking the rim joists areas but wasn’t sure how to proceed with the insulation.

I have a bunch of Roxul left over from remodeling and also some sheets of 3/4″ rigid foam from Lowes and was curious if I could use that in some manner?



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