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AlpenHPP vs. Inline vs. Marvin

Jeff Seidman| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I am going to use a local contractor (whom I like and trust, but who has not previously installed triple-pane windows) to install several fiberglass, triple-pane replacement windows for my home, including a large bow. I’ve narrowed the choice down to triple-panes from Inline, Fibtertec, and AlpenHPP (formerly Serious), and possibly Marvin.

Of the companies I’m considering, only Marvin has a local dealer (with a local tech). The others will just ship the windows directly to me from their HQ. So, I’m a little worried about service and support. In a discussion of window manufacturers on this forum a couple of years ago, there were a lot of complaints about the quality of service from various companies, but most especially Serious. So, I’m hoping for an update on people’s experience working with these companies – and wondering whether service has improved, now that Serious has gone back to its former owners and become AlpenHPP.

I’d also be grateful for any thoughts on the relative quality of suspended-film (Alpen) vs. more standard triple-glass windows, and on Marvin’s Passive-House certified windows, since these are pretty new and don’t show up in earlier discussion forums.

Thanks for any advice!

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