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Anyone Familiar with Enerlux windows?

Kevin Spellman|发布了Green Products and Materialson

I have been scouring the net for info on fiberglass window manufacturers and I have gone to see a Marvin Integrity install, Alpen install, etc., but in all this time of looking, I had never seen the name EnerLux until today. I am not sure why, other than they look to be very small.

当我搜索时,我看到的很少,除了youtube上的几个视频,试图炫耀其产品的实力。他们的能效声称看起来很棒,但在NFRC网站上没有列出,所以我不确定他们在哪里得到信息。我打算明天打电话给他们,但想知道是否有人用过他们或以前处理它们。他们在内布拉斯加州。该产品看起来非常高的质量与它们的加入丝注验器,红衣主教选项,双窗格,绝缘框架,Kynar涂料 - 令人印象深刻的方法(或在这种情况下监测)。

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  1. Kevin Spellman||#1

    Found a bit more--it's listed here as a startup looking for investors

  2. Kevin Spellman||#2

    对于那些可能在后来的人来说 - 我与公司广泛发言并与经销商交谈。我印象深刻。它们似乎只想要窗口的各个方面的最高质量。框架和窗框似乎坚不可摧。Kynar Paint在金属屋顶上使用了同样的用途,因此它应该是艰难的。硬件是德国(roto)。它们提供许多主要玻璃选项。它们将开始喷涂框架内部/窗框的内部,因此每个空隙都是填充的。他们甚至可以为您提供一个完整的平行窗(较小的尺寸),以175美元,如果您与他们一起购买,或者退货,他们会给您125美元。这是购买购买的信仰的飞跃,但他们似乎对质量令人恐惧。 I am waiting on a quote to see where they land price-wise. I have a Marvin Integrity and an Alpen 625 quote to compare.

  3. COCYCLIST||#3

    Hi Kevin -

    I'm starting to research fiberglass window options for new construction we're hoping to start in Spring 2018. Would you be willing to share some of your analysis with me on the Alpen vs Marvin vs Enerlux? It would be greatly appreciated...thank you!

    [email protected]

  4. Kevin Spellman||#4

    Email sent Nik

  5. user-7120065||#5

    Hi Kevin,

    Did you end up going with Enerlux and if so how did it turn out?


  6. Roger Berry||#6


    Not sure if you are building at an altitude over 4000' or not, but if you are, be sure to check on whether or not the argon gas will be available. When I was doing windows for my home at 8000', I was shocked to be told by Marvin (and others) they would not ship that high except with air fill only. I went with the Alpen and have been very pleased with all but the paint. In fairness to that though, the sun here is really wicked.

    My series were 525-S . Non-operable are u-.15 ,operable u-19, which I think is the same as the 625 you are looking at. Faded paint aside, I greatly enjoy being able to sit next to 3 windows in the breakfast corner without feeling like a vampire is sucking out my body heat.

  7. Andrew Grover||#7

    Kevin, wondering what you ended up with for your windows, and your experience.

  8. Neil Hoffman||#8

    I too am wondering what Kevin or Nik ended up with. I am starting a new home construction in Wisconsin and am trying to decide between Enerlux, Marvin or Alpen.

    1. Wiscoguy||#14

      I know it’s been a while but how was accurate Darwin for shipping and lead times and price. I also live in Wisconsin and have been interested in fiberglass windows. I feel like duxton, accurate dorwin, and enerylux are about where I’m at just curious if you wouldn’t mind elaborating more on your experience with them.

  9. Dot1||#9

    我在看Alpen和Enerlux北side of my house after getting Marvin Essential fiberglass on the south side. I'm not disappointed in fiberglass as a window material, but I am disappointed in Marvin fiberglass windows. The aesthetics are AWFUL on the Marvin's. The entire base of the awning window is ABS plastic -- cheap look and feel and whiter than the fiberglass. The entire top of the lower sash on double-hung windows is ABS plastic! The screens are the cheapest possible garbage they could get. The white of the screen frame is whiter than the stone white of the fiberglass. And the screening material is cheap polyester. making the view through them terrible. A big name and expensive price tag does NOT equal quality. And, the customer service is terrible. Before I purchased the window, I asked the local sales rep and Marvin customer service if there was vinyl or plastic on the windows beyond small parts and seals. I was told no. I'm now looking to re-screen all the screens and get replacement parts for the plastic sections so I can take them to a wood worker and see if I can get them fabricated out of wood. A window person told me the mull piece that joins two double hung windows is "hideous" -- two fiberglass sections that sandwich an ABS plastic section running the vertical length of the window. He suggested I cover that with wood. I posted about my experience on another website, and Marvin dealers jumped all over me about how I didn't do my job to research the windows thoroughly (because, of course, it is the consumer's fault that a product is misrepresented and generally crappy!).

    1. Johngfc||#11

      Dot - Thanks for posting. It's hard to get specific information like this.

    2. Andrew Grover||#12

      I just installed Enerlux on my entire house build. My initial idea had been to use Pella (my local construction team liked them), but Pella's prices were outrageous for my trapezoidal clerestory windows, which made Alpen and Enerlux both actually more cost effective. I have to say that the people at Enerlux are amazing to work with, super friendly and helpful, and the product is great. We had issues with my project I won't bore you with, but they stepped up and took care of everything without issue. You can't go wrong with Alpen either, they are a top notch company with top notch products and they have been around a long time. Alpen has more choices in window styles than Enerlux, but for equal specs, Enerlux will likely be a tad cheaper of the two. BTW, the Denver construction market now hates Pella, as they have devolved with horrible customer service issues, delivery issues, quality issues, etc.

      1. Johngfc||#13

        Andrew - Enerlux Windows是吸引人的。他们是否对氩气或氪密封窗户发出了任何问题,运到科罗拉多州(> 5,000英尺)?你是丹佛还是更高的海拔?我没有在保修(或其他描述)中看到任何关于气体填充和高海拔的任何东西。

  10. Neil Hoffman||#10

    I ended up getting Accurate Dorwin windows for my house that I built last year. Could not be happier. Great service and the windows performed flawlessly through the last two years.
    I am so glad I went the route that I did.

  11. JWolfe1||#15

    I'm looking to hear more about Enerlux windows in particular vs Alpen. I'll be building at 11,000 feet in Colorado with 11,5000 HDD and will have a large south-facing window wall. We are in the drafting phase right now. I'll be posting for input soon, but would love to hear more about Enerlux and Alpen. Thanks!

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