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Anyone have any idea when hyper heat mini-splits that can run multiple indoor units (I need three) on a singly condenser will come to market? Thanks, Dan

DANIEL GOTTSEGEN| Posted inMechanicalson

I am about to install solar panels at my home. I want to do mini-splits in my house, but because if have a Cape with many small-ish rooms, I would need multiple indoor units. I live in Central VT, so the hyper heat units would be the way to go (it is cold here). However, apparently I can only do one indoor unit per outdoor heat pump on the current hyper technology. I’ve been told that Mitsubishi has the technology and will release it to the market any day. Anyone have any idea when hyper heat mini-splits that can run multiple indoor units (I need three) on a singly condenser will come to market?

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  1. Nick Welch||#1

    Look into the P-series and City Multis:

    They go from 2.5 tons on up.

    edit: nevermind. Looks like the P-series can only be "twinned" with two indoor units acting as a single zone. The City Multi supports many indoor units, but is too big for most homes.

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