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Product Guide

Another Look at Fiberboard Sheathing

An older building material, fiberboard sheathing can be a low-cost alternative to plywood and OSB in some applications


当传统护套的价格升至记录高点时,一些建筑商开始使用纤维板作为低成本的替代方案。同时,纤维板制造商宣传其产品,以替代结构支撑。在2到4英寸的钉子上,一些产品确实提供了一定的剪切值(从170到260 PLF)。中心。纤维板制造商还向每1/2英寸R-1.3的绝缘值表示。与OSB相比,OSB约为R-0.62(Tables of Building Material R-values).

I’m old enough to have installed a lot offiberboard sheathing。我只错过了这种昔日的建筑材料的一个方面,即成本。它很便宜(大约在Home Depot每张纸16美元),尽管不再使用广泛使用,但您仍然可以购买。但是今天的替代护套产品,包括工程结构面板,例如拉链壁系统, and rigid foams likeHalo Exterra, offer benefits that include water-resistance and continuous insulation, which fiberboard does not.


Originally designed as an interior material, fiberboard sheathing breaks down in the sun and rain, curling up and swelling if left exposed too long. The core material, the fiberboard, is not waterproof. To make it moisture-resistant, manufacturers treat the board with a water-resistant surface coating, such as wax or, more typically, asphalt. The problem with swelling and warping comes at untreated edges and cuts. UV rays degrade the surface.

过去,纤维板护套被称为二十一点,灰色板或布法罗板,因为而不是涂层,材料被沥青浸渍。它不是最健康的剪裁和处理。该材料的主要品牌包括celotex纤维板,HomAsote和硬板砖石。尽管美国的商业生产可以追溯到1907年,但该材料自1772年以来就已经存在,当时亨利·克莱(Henry Clay)为室内墙壁和门板的纸纤维板申请了专利。

fiberboard sheathing

The early fiberboard products were made with fiber materials, including jute, straw, sugar cane stalks, flax, hemp, grass, newspaper, and peanut shells. Nowadays, in North America, these products are manufactured exclusively from wood fiber. Abroad, you can still find the old-fashioned fiberboard in use, made withsugarcane bagasse and urea-formaldehyde。一些导入的纤维板面板可能具有这些成分。(有关纤维板的完整而有趣的历史,请访问USDA科学技术计划页面20岁thCentury Building Materials: Fiberboard

Engineering considerations

nailing fiberboard sheathing

当垂直或水平应用到墙壁上时,一些结构纤维板产品可以替换角式支撑。但是,此应用程序没有i-Codeacceptance and will require submitting the manufacturer’s engineering reports. Because the materials are not equivalent toOSB and plywood, this application may not work in high-wind or seismic areas. The North American Fiberboard Association provides atable with nailing requirements用于结构应用。

While structural fiberboard sheathing can replace brace-wall sheathing in some applications, a code-compliant wall will generally require let-in diagonal bracing as well. Since the insulation values do not match continuous insulation materials, in many areas, the code may still require a continuous foam over the top to prevent thermal bridging and control vapor permeance through the wall assembly.

What the codes say

The model codes now offer detailed vapor management tables that unfortunately do not reference fiberboard. Generally, the material has an average vapor permeance rating of 5 perms that you must consider when designing a wall assembly.

使用非结构性面板选择来说e bracing methods, refer to the following: 2015, 2018, 2021 IBC Table 2308.6.3(1) Bracing Methods, 2015, 2018, 2021 IRC Table R602.10.4 Bracing Methods. You will find a bracing methods table这里

Today’s fiberboard products

The Canadian companyMSL Fibermakes non-structural fiberboard panels from 100% recycled content that remains 100% recyclable. Their panels contain no formaldehyde or VOCs (volatile organic compounds). And offer a whopping thermal performance of R-3 per in. (rigid foams通常提供R-5 /英寸)。

Blueridge Fiberboardmanufactures a non-structural exterior sheathing panel. It provides R-1.3 per in. and contains recovered and recycled wood fibers. To replace OSB and plywood corner bracing requires let-in-bracing or another bracing method. Cost is $14 per sheet. (This was the one manufacturer who responded to my request for pricing.)


Feasibility of fiberboard sheathing

尽管一些建筑商将纤维板护套作为一种节省成本的措施,但我仍然怀疑 - 尤其是现在,包括胶合板和OSB在内的常规选择价格正在回到地球上。毫无疑问,作为负担得起的家庭建筑商,我尽一切努力降低建筑成本,但我更喜欢使用刚性的泡沫护套。尽管泡沫没有任何结构性益处,但它增加了连续的外部绝缘材料,从R-5到R-10。我可以使用替代方法来满足支撑壁的要求,例如剪切钉1/2英寸。像在加拿大和新西兰一样的石膏板,或老式的1×4 let-in-diagonal支撑。对于我的美元,泡沫超过了纤维板护套和传统的木板。




One Comment

  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


    Like you I've used a fair amount of fiber-board but stopped three decades ago - and like you I don't see much point to it now. Apart from shear resistance, sheathing can also disperse vertical loads, act as an attachment point for furring strips, cladding and trim, and offers some resistance to pests entering the walls. Fiber-board does none of these. If for whatever reason the decision is made not to use a structural sheathing, I think it's a better idea to forgo it altogether and just use a robust WRB instead.

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