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Applying housewrap

Charline Bridgeman| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I didn’t read all of your questions/answers but after reading quite a few, I didn’t see where there was a mention of a right and wrong side to housewrap. I would think to ensure that a product would perform to it’s highest standard, ensuring there would be proper escape of moisture through the product,this innovation would have a right and wrong side; correct, or does it matter? In other words, apply the housewrap to walls with the print facing out.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Plastic housewrap allows water vapor to pass through it in both directions. It is bi-directional, not uni-directional.

    It's possible, however, that some housewrap manufacturers might include some type of coating to protect the housewrap from UV exposure. Certainly most builders install housewrap with the printing facing the exterior.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    At least one document from DuPont Tyvek advises, "The roll material is applied over exterior sheathing material (with the printed side out) so that it forms a continuous envelope around the entire building."

    I don't know why, but DuPont clearly likes the advertising value of their name on all those houses.

    Here is the link:

    Typar's instructions are similar: "Start at the bottom of one end of the wall with the printed side facing out."

    Here's the link to the Typar document:

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