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Product Guide

Working with Self-Adhering WRBs

A rundown of reputable water-resistive barriers and tips for their successful installation

Using SIGA’s Majavest self-adhering WRB, the team behind this project earned a 0.36 ACH50 on the blower-door test conducted before insulation was installed.

There’s a lot to like about the new category of peel-and-stick house wraps but working with them isn’t as simple as stapling a water-resistive-barrier (WRB) to the sheathing. This article is intended to offer helpful tips around self-adhered WRBs—from choosing the right product to installing it well, including the potential need for primer, getting a neat installation when rolling for adhesion, and integrating flashings.

Pros and cons

为了创建故障安全的WRB,制造商在过去几十年中进行了稳定的创新,从沥青饱和的毛毡纸到液体应用的膜. Recently, adhered membranes have come onto the market promising both a water and an air barrier of uniform thickness that require no fasteners or seam-taping—attractive benefits. The disadvantages of adhered membranes include a labor-intensive process to avoid wrinkling the material, and sometimes the requirement to prime the sheathing for proper adhesion (which may compromisepermeability). Some also require the use of special accessories and mastics at penetrations and terminations.

Manufacturers that make peel-and-stick WRBs


亨利·布鲁斯金1-2-3水分控制系统提供四种类型self-adhered WRBsin 100-ft. rolls in five widths—from 4 in. to 48 in. Three membranes qualify as impermeable, while only Blueskin VP100 and VP160 are manufactured with 33 perms. When the material is applied at temperatures below 40ºF or on substrates such as gypsum board, masonry, concrete, and metal, it requires a primer (see below). The UV and climate exposure guarantee runs up to 150 days before cladding installation.

制造商提供了两个不透水,自粘的膜 - 一种用于低温应用,另一个带有铝制屏蔽层用于长期紫外线。亨利(Henry)还吹捧了该产品的“自我密封”技术,该技术可确保其气密性不会因任何渗透而损害。

Henry sells two primers to roll or spray on walls before applying the membrane. The company says…

GBA Prime

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1

    好的概述,费尔南多。在我设计的新的漂亮房子上,建筑商想尝试Rothoblaas的自粘膜,他们对此感到非常满意。他们说这很容易安装,而且看起来很耐用。该产品是Traspir 150外部智能膜(每卷807平方英尺,美国摄入量为69平方英尺,比比赛重150克 /米平方)。

  2. Tim Janson||#2

    这篇文章对Pro Clima Solitex Mento 1000不正确。这不是自贴的WRB。Pro Clima自我粘附的产品是Solitex Adhero,价格约为$ 1.02/平方英尺。

    未提及的是Grace Env-S,它是15个perms,价格约为0.59美元/平方英尺。

    1. Fernando Pages||#8

      Thanks, we'll fix it.

    2. GBA Editor
      Kiley Jacques||#9

      I appreciate the correction and have made it.

  3. AnonymousUser||#3

    Has anyone used Delta Stratus SA on roof or wall? If so, how was install? What were you adhering it to: plyboard, osb, tng ? Thanks

  4. Matt Potter||#4


    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#5


      I'd say a lot depends on the siding. Hydro gap gives y0u a better drainage plane than regular WRBs, but almost none of the other attributes of a rain-screen. If your wall assembly would be risky without good drying potential to the outside, and the siding doesn't aid that, then I think hydrogap might be a bad idea.

      1. Matt Potter||#6


        1. Expert Member
          Malcolm Taylor||#7


          Hardie isn't great that way, but your climate may well be enough to mitigate the risks. Hopefully someone more familiar with building there will chime in.




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