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I am currently replacing a small roof over an enclosed porch. The porch was once just a three season room that stayed cold during the winters and had no issues. Years ago (10 or more) baseboard heat was added to allow the room to be heated minimally. Ice dams have been pretty bad the past several years and have finally waranted repair. The roof has never been vented – it didn’t need to be. Of course I found that the roof boards needed to be replaced and, while removing them, discovered that the rafter tails were in bad shape too. Also, the homeowner was surprised to see that there was any (in this case cellulose) insulation above the t&g beadboard ceiling. Obviously the ceiling leaks air terribly. We are considering soffit and roof/wall juncture vents.


The ceiling joists are 3 5/8″ x 1 3/4″ @ 2′ o c. There is approximately 6″ from the top exterior edge of the wall plate to the top edge of the rafters. The hip roof meets the wall of the house with about 5′ of level roof. I’ve read conflicting opinions on venting this juncture.

感谢您的建议。似乎无法附上任何照片 - 太大了。


  1. 乔迪·冈德森(Jodi Gunderson)||#1


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    Since you're in the process of replacing the roof deck, the right place to insulate would be at the roof deck, but not necessarily with ccSPF and NOT vent the roof, which can be both difficult & problematic.

    What is your climate zone?


  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    There are lots of options here. As Dana notes, an unvented roof assembly with rigid foam above the roof deck might be the easiest way to go.

  4. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#4

    If you decide to try to install spray foam against the existing ceiling from above, you need to make sure that the expanding foam does squeeze through cracks between the boards. One way to do that is to install strips of cardboard between the ceiling joists (on the attic side of the ceiling boards) before installing the spray foam.

  5. 乔迪·冈德森(Jodi Gunderson)||#5

    Climate zone 5. 2x6 rafters - replaced the 2x4 rafters. I can't easily do rigid foam above the roof sheathing because the window sills are only 4" above the roof framing. I'd have to pull off the new rafters and lower the ledgers. That would lower the pitch further - it's 3/12 now. Also, the fascia and soffit would need a good deal of work. They're in great shape still despite the water infiltration.



  6. 乔迪·冈德森(Jodi Gunderson)||#6


    If we went the route of spraying the top of the ceiling, should the spray foam carry up on the wall of the house below the ledger boards? The sheathing is 1 x 6 t&g and quite gappy.

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    Yes, it would be a good idea to try to establish an air barrier with spray foam on the exposed part of the wall. That will limit heat flow from the wall to the colder attic.

  8. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#8

    In a zone 5 location as long as 40% of the total center-bay R is above the roof deck the roof deck won't load up with moisture unless you keep the wintertime humidity in the room pretty high.

    在保守的drating derating的情况下,Polyiso的3英寸适合在5区的气候下大约R15,这足以让您在2x6 afters中安装R23 batts。R15,在after架上安装未脱落的R20,并在afters的下面安装一张膜或Intello Plus。

    You could just air seal it and cross your fingers, but there would be no drying path without venting it. And in a snowy climate and a low pitched roof butted into a wall is nearly impossible to get right. If you dropped back to 2x4 rafters you'd likely be able to get R20 above the roof deck and R15 between the rafters, raising the roof level only 2-2.5" from where you currently have it set.

    第5区中的IRC代码分析为R49,但是屋顶甲板上方R15,R23您的R38,R20在R15之间的R15均高于R15,尽管中心较低,但冰堵塞的电势仍会暴跌 -腔r,因为您在热架架上有R15-r20的热折断,并且在撞击房屋壁的地方附近没有排气孔,以开始整个冰块。

    There are lots of tools for reducing the resolution or other qualities of a JPEG to reduce the file size, and it may help the discussion.

  9. 乔迪·冈德森(Jodi Gunderson)||#9

    Ok. Thought so.


    最后,如果我们喷洒天花板 - 可以倒入拱腹的顶部吗?它是墙壁顶板的水平。

  10. 乔迪·冈德森(Jodi Gunderson)||#10



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