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Can you run the gas line against the flue pipe on a heater?

MARK ALATORRE| Posted inBuilding Code Questionson

I had a new central air installed, and the gas line is against the flue on the heater.

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  1. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#1

    Call a qualified HVAC company to see what needs to be done.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Here is the language found inSection 404.3 of the International Fuel Gas Code:

    "404.3 Prohibited locations. Piping shall not be installed in or through a ducted supply, return or exhaust, or a clothes chute, chimney or gas vent, dumbwaiter or elevator shaft. Piping installed downstream of the point of delivery shall not extend through any townhouse unit other than the unit served by such piping."

    All code provisions, including this one, are subject to interpretation by your local code enforcement officer. I suggest that you call your local authority to get a ruling on the issue.

  3. Richard McGrath||#3

    Against the flue while UGLY is not a concern , well it shouldn't be . Both the gas line and the flue should be tight and able to contain the gases they convey within the walls . Your furnace has a metal or PVC (ugh) . These 2 materials won't reach a dangerous temp , at least they are not supposed to . You gas pipe is some type of metal . If your concern is that the gas will somehow combust , have no fear it won't , If the piping is in direct contact with each other my concern would be a lightning strike to the exposed flue through the roof . Nothing contained in the flue can cause the gas to combust . If either of these pipes leak you have bigger worries . As stated before , have your local mechanical /plumbing subcode official come and have a look at it . You did have a permit for this work , correct ?

  4. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#4

    Gas lines are run not touching your furnace or boiler or flue.

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