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Casement windows?

Leslie Whelan| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I’m looking for highly efficient triple glazed windows with a high solar heat gain coefficient for use on the south side of a new construction home in Massachusetts (Climate Zone 5). I like Schuco windows, however, I am looking to compare with a window that performs similarly but doesn’t open into the living space. Any suggestions?

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  1. Anon3||#1
  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Your question is confusing. The type of window you are talking about is called a fixed window or a non-operable window. Were you simply in search of the name for this type of window?

    -- Martin Holladay

  3. Brian P||#3

    Many of the tilt and turn windows are able to open slightly at the top, so they don't have to swing into living space. But, to answer your question...

    They aren't true triple glazed, but we've been happy with our Alpen windows and there is a good dealer up in Maine:

    We are in NH (zone 6) and have the 525 series (if budget allowed, would have liked to go 725 or higher). Even that lower end 525 series would be great for MA, go up if your budget allows.

  4. Leslie Whelan||#4

    Martin, Sorry for the confusion.
    The Schuco windows are tilt/turn, which open into the room. I'm wondering if anyone makes a casement window that opens to the outside, and has similar performance to a Passive House certified window for southern exposure in Zone 5.

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5

    I'm not sure what you mean by "performs similarly" -- do you need the window to meet certification requirements established by the Passivhaus Institut in Germany? Or are you just looking for a high-performance triple-glazed window?

    在过去的25年里,美国人购买感兴趣ing a high-quality triple-glazed casement window have purchased fiberglass windows manufactured in Canada. Here's a list of the leading manufacturers of this type of window:

    Accurate Dorwin
    1535 Seel Ave.
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 1C6
    Fax: 204-982-8383

    Duxton Windows
    45 Higgins Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0A8
    Fax: 204-334-1800

    Entreprises Marchand Portes et Fenêtres
    165 Ave. Lamarche
    Ville Sainte-Catherine, Québec JOL 1EO
    Fax: 514-365-3704
    [email protected]

    Fibertec Window Manufacturing Ltd.
    157 Rivermede Road, Unit 2
    Concord, Ontario L4K 3M4
    Fax: 905-660-6581
    [email protected]

    Inline Fiberglass Ltd.
    30 Constellation Court
    Toronto, Ontario M9W 1K1
    Fax: 416-679-1150
    [email protected]

    -- Martin Holladay

  6. John Ranson||#6

    Check out Inline's fiberglass 325 casements with their "3 mm Clear - Arg - 3 mm 180[S3] - Arg - 3 mm 180[S5]" package. (NFRC: U=0.18, SHGC=0.42, VT=0.48) They also have krypton glazing options that have marginally better specs, but I don't think they're cost effective. Inline will, in fact, try to down-sell you to the argon windows if you ask about krypton.

    I'm going to be ordering their "3 mm 272 [S2] - Arg - 3 mm Clear - Arg - 3 mm 180 [S5]" glazing package. (NFRC: U=.18, SHGC=0.3, VT=0.43). They run about $450 for a 3' x 5' casement, last I checked.


  7. David D||#7

    Check out Alpen windows out of Colorado. They're fiberglass and either triple or quadruple pane equivalent (heat mirror) i have 2 725 horizontal sliders and a 925 picture window and LOVE THEM! They also make casement windows.

  8. Roger Berry||#8

    I will second the opinion of considering Alpen. I have casement and awning types that I am quite pleased with. I am at a high elevation and wind is a prominent weather feature here part of the year. I have found the casements and awnings able to seal extremely well. I have 525S which are now 625 series I think. Not cheap, but I remain happy.

  9. Brett Cragg||#9

    Paradigm Windows in Portland, Maine just launched a line called EuroTek, which is a European style tilt and turn window. You might want to check them out. I've seen them in action and they look to be pretty nice windows.

  10. Trevor Lambert||#10

    Klearwall sells PassiveHaus certified casement windows. We have them and are happy with them. Prices were very good compared with other European (and certified) windows. Their website is horrible, but service is good over the phone. The windows are made by Munster Joinery in Ireland, so you can look at that website to see the windows (also not a great website, but leagues better than Klearwall's). I looked at all the North American window makes listed above. They are nice windows, but they do not come very close to PassiveHaus standards, with the exception of Alpen. I couldn't even get Alpen to return a phone call, so that ruled them out for me.

  11. Ethan ; Climate Zone 5A ; ~6000HDD||#11

    David, I think that Inline makes Alpen's frames, but I could be wrong.

    Edit: I confirmed with Inline that they manufacture the profiles for Alpen.

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