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Do gas filled windows lose their gas?

Eric Mikkelsen| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

I am hesitant to purchase any of the gas filled windows, though they do have an R-value significantly higher…reason being might be trust. Can I trust that the gas is going to stay in those windows and not dissipate out over time…Have there been studies on this? The cost difference is substantial and I don’t want to pay for windows that are filled with gas to have them be no different than non-gas-filled windows several years from now….and if the window is flawed and the gas leaves how will I know? The company can say they are warranted but if what they are warranting is invisible, how will I know if it dissipates out and is no longer there?


  1. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#1



  2. Eric Mikkelsen||#2

    是否有任何高性能的三层玻璃窗,不会填补气体,更经济?......或者对于想要能节能并且预算紧张的人的建议?Windows是我不想替换和升级后的东西,但高成本只是禁止...最佳价值/性能窗口的任何建议?我想留在玻璃纤维框架,以便它们可以被绘制。任何建议,将不胜感激。谢谢, - 学习

  3. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Q。“有什么高性能三层玻璃windows that are not gas filled?"


    Q。“有什么高性能三层玻璃windows that are more economical?"

    A. I doubt whether substituting clear triple glazing for argon-filled triple glazing will save you much money. To get an answer, though, just call up your window supplier.



    Q。"Any suggestions for best value/performance windows?"


  4. Eric Mikkelsen||#4

    Thank you Mr. Holladay for your insights

  5. Devin Ratliff||#5

    有一个很好的英国学习分析能源使用/体现的能源/回报可能感兴趣的窗口类型: )%20payback%20periods/articles/windowpayback periods_bsert_2005.pdf.

    本研究表明,空气氩升级(在新建建设中)在6 - 8年内回报 - 因此,即使所有的气体都在10年内消散(比Martin的数据所表达的更戏剧性),您都有已经偿还了它。这项研究并未在氪上表现出良好的回报;三重玻璃氩更快地支付更快。

    As with any payback, first cost, climate, and energy cost should all be considered. Coming from the UK, all of those values will differ, so your results may vary (though not likely to the point where it changes the determination - I know that I've seen other studies that put argon payback at 3-5 years as well).

    A note of warning: I find this report a bit confusing - payback is calculated both in terms of finances and embodied energy without clearly separating the two. Energy pays off substantially faster, so some of the numbers that seem too good to be true (15 day payback!), are too good to be true, at least financially.

  6. Devin Ratliff||#6

    I agree with all of martin's points from his last post - smaller house, site built windows, etc.

    但是在网站上的一个注意事项构建了Windows。如果您的Buidling部门需要Rescheck(DOE软件住宅能源检查)进行批准,则对非NFRC标记为Windows基本上受到惩罚。正如我回忆,我不得不将0.65放在我的网站上的Demult U-Value(通常是用玻璃u = 0.19的中心构建)。如果我被允许使用ASHRAE基本面比率,我更有可能在20多岁时曾经考虑过那些窗户。

    结果,由于现场的数量建造了窗户和玻璃的数量,我的绝缘绝缘良好的被动太阳能池几乎通过。我不会敲我的Buidling部门要求Rescheck - 我希望更多地做了 - 但这是一个不完美的系统......

  7. Eric Mikkelsen||#7


  8. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#8



  9. 鲍勃科曼||#9


    the books from many windows companies i look at have the option of air filled chambers, even on the triple pane models. of course if your paying for triple pane windows, they generally market the gas fill with it. i'd guess you may pay as much to request for them to not use the gas as an upcharge on a 'special order'.

    if you trust the company enough to give you a proper tripple pane window, you should trust the glass unit sealing too.

    probably the best way to save is to buy standard sizes or sizes that are premanufactured and stocked at the store. not so easy with triple pane models though. of course it kills your design ideas and color choices.
    the other best way to save is to skip as many windows as possible. apart from some solar gain applications, they are costly to buy and install and not energy effecient.

    and if your concerned about quality, building your own is probably not the best plan. once you pay for someone skilled enough to do it properly, you could have just ordered them from people who do it all day long in a specialized factory with quality control. a window rep will warranty the whole window and possibly the install/reinstall.



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